
This space (the forum pages you are joining) is a community effort.

These forum pages and the platform curating this space is provided as a FREE communication tool collectively owned and operated by the community members leading this effort. All Canadian and Ontario privacy laws apply to the management and storage of data in this forum.

While the information you post to this forum is private and a great deal of effort has been made to keep this space secure and locked behind a “‘members-only’ paywall”, remember it is a FORUM; a space for organized, civil communication to steer our community efforts as we refine the issues that matter to this group and all health-minded, proactive citizens of Peterborough.

By joining this forum, you agree to safeguard the efforts made by the Save Bonnerworth Park citizen group, to organize, manage, and foster a community-minded approach to finding solutions to the issues facing Bonnerworth Park and the larger planning issues that challenge the City of Peterborough as a whole.

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savebonnerworth <at> gmail <dot> com


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