News Blast – June 23


News Blast

There’s been lots going on in the past few weeks, with more planned for the weeks ahead!

June 24 Rally @ City Hall, 5:30-6:30 pm

This is our last chance before Council breaks for the summer to show the City how we feel about its plans for Bonnerworth Park!

Help keep the pressure on the City by showing your support at the rally.

Bring your families and friends and/or a plus one 🙂 Let others know by spreading the word through social media and word of mouth.

Media Coverage

Since our last rally, numerous letters to the editor, articles, and Sylvia Sutherland’s column have provided fantastic coverage regarding our concerns!

They’ve also revealed even more flaws and omissions in the City’s planning and consultation process …

If you haven’t already, please write a letter since the Examiner is more likely to publish submissions from different individuals.

It’s easy to submit, just click on

Petitions, Signs, and Public Education 

Save Bonnerworth Park volunteers have continued to represent our concerns at the Morrow Park and Downtown Farmers’ Markets on alternating Saturday mornings.

We now have close to 7,500 signatures on the petition, and well over 400 folks have donated to receive lawn signs! 

Between the two initiatives we’ve spoken to hundreds if not thousands of people about the City’s plan for Bonnerworth, and vastly increased public awareness about the issues involved.  

We’ve found many people are angry with the City and agree the proposed park redevelopment should not go ahead.

Group Meeting

We’re looking at holding another in-person meeting for the Save Bonnerworth Park group sometime during the first half of July.

Stay tuned for the exact date and location 🙂

Hope to see you at City Hall tomorrow! 

Save Bonnerworth Park logo


savebonnerworth <at> gmail <dot> com


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