News Blast: May 16


News Blast

In our last news blast, we provided notice that on May 13, Councillor Joy Lachica would propose a motion to bring the Bonnerworth Park project back to City Council once the technical studies are complete. This would have allowed our elected representatives a chance to review the project as a whole, including the preferred site plan, traffic study, noise assessment and stormwater design. You can read more about the motion and the meeting here.  Unfortunately the motion was ruled as ‘out of order’ and was subsequently thrown out in a 6-5 vote.

Although we were disappointed by the outcome, this will not stop us from pushing forward. We will continue to petition, distribute lawn signs and spread awareness.

A few important items to note:

  1. Bonnerworth is NOT on May 21 Council Meeting Agenda
    Please note that the May 21 Council Meeting will not have Bonnerworth on the agenda since Councillor Lachica’s motion was thrown out.
  2. Show your love of Bonnerworth Park in person Saturday May 18, 1 pm
    Father Leo Coughlin, an outspoken Peterborough figure, is recording a video about Bonnerworth this Saturday. This video will be in support of Marycrest residents who live directly across from the planned pickleball facility. We need people in the park, playing and showing how well used the space is. Please consider biking or walking to the park to reduce parking congestion. Meet near the southern ball diamond.
  3. Write to our elected officials and let them know you support saving Bonnerworth Park!
    Those who voted in favour of hearing Councillor Lachica’s motion are noted below. Let them know you appreciate their support and their willingness to re-visit the plans for the park once the technical studies come in. They’ve clearly been listening to the 4,250+ people who have signed the petition and expressed support for saving greenspace. The results from the technical studies may have budget implications that offer a window of possibility for a modified plan and re-evaluation at City Council. At that time, we’ll need all the help we can get from supportive councillors!

    Matt Crowley, Joy Lachica, Alex Bierk, Keith Riel, Dave Haacke: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    Those who voted against hearing Councillor Lachica’s motion are noted below. To these councillors and the mayor, we can state that the redevelopment project for Bonnerworth Park has generated significant concern over the loss of greenspace, its impacts on current park users, the public engagement of park neighbours and its compatibility with surrounding residential uses. We can report that there has been a groundswell of opposition to the plan: the number of people that support protecting Bonnerworth Park (4,250+) far exceeds those that were officially surveyed by the City’s engagement process and members of the Peterborough Pickleball Association (~874 and 400 respectively). Clearly there is strong support for a multi-use park that maintains greenspace and permits continued recreational opportunities for baseball, skateboarding, tennis, pickleball, biking and informal uses. Moreover, outdoor pickleball courts across Canada and the USA have faced noise complaints, unneighbourly clashes, petitions and lawsuits. We respectfully urge these elected representatives to consider alternate plans for the park that prioritize greenspace protection and compatibility with surrounding residential neighbourhoods.

    Don Vassiliadis, Lesley Parnell, Gary Baldwin, Andrew Beamer, Kevin Duguay & Jeff Leal: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Your help is needed now more than ever. Please continue to share information on social media, share the website with those you know, encourage folks to sign the petition, engage in discussions with those around you, and order lawn signs to visually display your support. 

Once again, thank you for your continued support and please remember this is NOT over…we’ll continue to work towards saving Bonnerworth Park!

Your friends at Save Bonnerworth Park

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savebonnerworth <at> gmail <dot> com


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